Sunday, February 25, 2007

Going straight to hell

I was watching A scanner darkly and there is this one scene where this guy is hallucinating an alien reading out all his sins. I took some time out today to recount my sins, while I was taking a super long Sunday morning shower.

It was crazy, I had all this water which was just pouring over my back and into the drain. There are people in the world who have to walk miles to get a bucket of water to share with a family of 23. I don't know if it's my fault that they have to walk that far or that they have massively unmanageable families and I am not sure if I stayed dirty and didn't shower for a week, would they actually get water on a tap in their shanty hut? But anyway it made me feel guilty and I thought that's a sin which I will go straight to hell for.

But hang on a second, what about the half eaten pizza that I threw away, I know people in my country are dying of hunger, damn, so could I have/should I have shipped my half eaten pizza to Bhikhu...somewhere..but he doesn't have food to eat, which would mean no house to live in.. where the hell do I ship the pizza to? I think I am going to hell for that too.

It would be good to do an inventory of all the things that potentially fall into a list of sins, list of things that are not approved by a holier being, list of things that people around you think are not right (those holier than thou a**holes we tend to know and laugh about) <- oops that's unacceptable behaviour too... Damn, I am going to hell...

And I need to stop thinking about my French teacher in the shower....


Abs said...
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Abs said...

I think this would rank as one of your best posts ever! :) Muahaha!

- BK - said...

I think hell is often under-rated, I mean, think about it..if you go to heaven, you will most probably meet virgins - nuns and other women who have taken vows of celibacy, volunteer workers, children and priests who havent reached out to one those children yet!! What you have got left, is a true possé of people who know how to party and so many women with no virtues left anymore - I mean where else are they gonna go now. So mate you are sorted, you will get ur chance with your French teacher in hell...patience my son!!