Friday, February 16, 2007

Last Song...

I was trying to drown the frustration today after my hair dresser had successfully clipped .7cm of my hair and charged me 2 weeks of grocery allowance for it by tuning into something that would make me forget everything that I was thinking of, something that would make everything around me disappear, something that would make me invisible to the world, this was also because he had waxed my hair to make me look like I was lining up to make love to Elton John.

At that instant my iPod played "Subterranean Homesick Alien" and I've never turned the volume up as high as I did today... and I let it play LOUD.. and I could feel everything around me disappear... I had a feeling that I was soaring... looking down at things and being able to smirk at it... it has probably been the most uplifting moment of my day.. maybe the week as well.

So taking of on my series of, "Last...".... what would be the last song that you would want to listen to before you move onto another world.... or let's not get that morose, let's make it more bearable.. the last song before you go deaf... OK.. It's your choice if you want to die or live as a deaf person..

While you're mulling over the songs... I'm listing a few of my "Last Songs"
Nice Dream
Cry Freedom
and of course i'd re recommend "Subterranean Homesick Alien"

Oh and if you had to choose between living deaf or dying, what would you pick?

As you can see, I am quite pissed off about losing that ticker on my blog.


Hanna said...

Well, I would go for
"I will survive" - Cake version (to lighten up the moment and give me some hope that it wont be the last song I'll hear before I die)
"She" - (I know it's mushy, but if I die before anyone actually proposes to me singing that song, then I can at least dream about it on the deathbed)
"Wish you were here" - yup....


- BK - said...

So the last song..well it would have to be the one and only...which would be the right song for you to reflect back on your life and to realise that regardless of what decisions you made, you have managed to do the best with it..Everybody's Free and my personal favorite "November Rain"