Saturday, June 03, 2006

Everything in it's right place...

I saw Radiohead perform live...I was probably 15 when I actually went crazy about Radiohead, my dad then was really worried as I had scribbled the lyrics of "Creep" on our dining table, he sat me down next morning and asked me at breakfast if I had any issues in my life even though he felt I was very poetic. He was glad to know that it was just me trying to avoid the late night studying stress by listening to some music I liked and probably he was a bit crest fallen to learn that his son was not that poetically inclined...

In any case 13 years from that time... I saw Radiohead perform live..I have attempted a few times to write about the concert experience but I realize that my lack of ability to write down all the emotions I felt will never let me do justice to what I experienced. So I will not write anything.. I will though put a few links of well written reviews of their concert tour, those inclined can read, those not inclined should read and learn, those who don't know much about Radiohead, get a life!! Seriously.. these guys are probably the best bunch of rock musicians walking the planet and I believe they've still not gone commercial.......

What appeals to me about them? They write a lot of tragic songs, sad songs, morbid songs and when I listen to them, I get a giddy high, I chuckle inside my body and mind, I smile, I scream, it excites a weird sort of rage in me... their next album is going to rock your socks off... what else appeals to me about them? Not many people connect to them.. they are not for the masses and in my sick, perverted way I feel part of a group of people who can connect on a different plain... true blue Pink Floyd fans may connect to this sensation...

Recent review of their philly concert from a truly trusted music critic site.. will add more as I find..
Philly Concert

Peace out, working on keeping my blogs short...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Radiohead....hmmmm....Radiohead is the guy who everyone in my city used to score from......He keeps a radio to his ear/head all the time....thus RADIOHEAD!!!