Monday, October 29, 2007

New shit has come to light! shit has come to light!!

Apparently anyone over 16 yrs of age should not wear white underwear, it reduces their mojo.... so the experts inform me.

The same experts who are very passionate about their white colored combs!!!

I know this blogpost will be understood by two people, but that's fine. Men beyond the age of 30 start giving a rat's ass!!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Selfish me..

If I like something, I buy a big stock because I know the manufacturers will invariably stop making it very soon It just happens with me all the time, though I think the 50 packs of fig flavored yoghurt are going to be impossible to finish before 3rd of November..

Anyway, the selfish me comes out when I like a bar or a restaurant, my natural reaction is to tell all my good friends with a slightly discerning taste to go and sample it. My fear is always around the fact that this would have a snowball effect where the place will be over crowded by people who have got to know of the place from my "good" friends and in doing so I have managed to damage the quality of the food/drink or the general ambiance of the establishment by making them serve more people than they bargained for.

This is when I really need to check myself and say maybe let me enjoy this place a few more times in it's serenity before I make myself responsible for overburdening the place with an influx of people.

Is there something you feel selfish about?

Perfect Stranger

I've spent close to 4 years in Bruxelles and I have 1 stranger who is my most regular stranger. This is the stranger I see the most often, this person is not a bum or a beggar or a shop keeper or a cleaner or someone who I would see doing their daily chores in a regular place, cause those people I would term as acquaintances. Yeah, I know it's pretty lonely out here.

Coming back to the stranger, this is a japanese guy, I know he's japanese because he looks it, he doesn't look chinese or korean, I am convinced he is japanese. I first started sighting him in my first 3 months here and then I realized there was a sushi place close to where I lived and I thought maybe he worked there, maybe he did, but I never saw him there, not that I ever went inside the restaurant, not that I could afford sushi back then, but I just didn't see him around that restaurant pretty often, but I would see him walking on the streets somewhere close by or on the metro or walking through the park.

I moved apartments into a different neighborhood far away from the sushi restaurant but this japanese guy is still my most regularly 'bumped into' stranger. I know he doesn't recognize me, but it's ridiculous, how many times can you bump into the same individual and not realize that there is some connection that needs to be made, how many times can you just ignore the fact that you are bumping into the same person way too often. I can easily put the number of sightings of aforementioned japanese man at close to 100.

Do you have a similar "Stranger" experience in a city you live? Someone who you've never said hello to, never know where he/she lives, works, moves, walks, but generally keep bumping into this person??

Now this post was completely unedited and a verbal dump. But every single word on the blog is heartfelt and honest and 100% true and happening in my life. Should I buy him a cup of coffee next time I see him?

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


There are 2 classic tracks that I feel could be sampled by some new musicians. I don't think anyone's redone them, it would be challenging to not just lift the tune and over ride it... but actually work on these tracks.. Brilliant tracks.. both..

Fame - David Bowie
While my guitar gently weeps - Beatles


I was a good boy brought up on Classic rock and the likes.. then one day I tripped up on Electronica.....

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Sleeping alone

I've had a spate of friends crashing at my place over the last few weeks. I enjoy the company and I like playing the host. It's the early morning rip roaring farts that I am denied to execute which I am very upset about...

The other day I woke up on a sat morning at 07:30 because I had let one slip out and reverberate, but my subconscious told me I had guests, so I had to wake up and suss things out...

Such is life...