Saturday, November 04, 2006

I wanna be...

like the music i listen to.....

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


People around the world gets spam like "EEENlarge!!".. "Meet me round the corner for a s*ck and F*ck".."h$rneee 2nite???" "click h$r3 for 9 inches"... now I don't mind that.. but along with my rotten luck mentioned in the previous post.. i've run out of luck with my spam folder too....

I don't receive spam in my junk folder anymore. I get it direct in my inbox, I also get junk mail in my mailbox at home regularly, not signalling great sales or deals at the local thrift store... and it really rattles me to go through it..

The other day I received Junk mail at home, a thick fat envelope in nice caligraphy... and I was like "Wow, somebody seems to have invited me for some lavish affair".... It was a bunch of greeting cards created by "Artists who paint with their mouth or feet" with a sweet note saying, "These are for free, to promote the artists, but there is an empty invoice, you may fill in whatever amount you feel their artwork deserves and send it to......" - tugging with a big bulldozer at my pea sized conscience...

That's not the only junk I receive by the way.. very often it has to do with things like dolphins and seals and cute animals getting slaughtered and 3917 different species getting wiped out and how my 2 cents would change their lives...

I need to sign up for an enlargement!!!! (of my conscience!!! what did you think??)