Monday, October 29, 2007
New shit has come to light!
Apparently anyone over 16 yrs of age should not wear white underwear, it reduces their mojo.... so the experts inform me.
The same experts who are very passionate about their white colored combs!!!
I know this blogpost will be understood by two people, but that's fine. Men beyond the age of 30 start giving a rat's ass!!!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Selfish me..
Anyway, the selfish me comes out when I like a bar or a restaurant, my natural reaction is to tell all my good friends with a slightly discerning taste to go and sample it. My fear is always around the fact that this would have a snowball effect where the place will be over crowded by people who have got to know of the place from my "good" friends and in doing so I have managed to damage the quality of the food/drink or the general ambiance of the establishment by making them serve more people than they bargained for.
This is when I really need to check myself and say maybe let me enjoy this place a few more times in it's serenity before I make myself responsible for overburdening the place with an influx of people.
Is there something you feel selfish about?
Perfect Stranger
Coming back to the stranger, this is a japanese guy, I know he's japanese because he looks it, he doesn't look chinese or korean, I am convinced he is japanese. I first started sighting him in my first 3 months here and then I realized there was a sushi place close to where I lived and I thought maybe he worked there, maybe he did, but I never saw him there, not that I ever went inside the restaurant, not that I could afford sushi back then, but I just didn't see him around that restaurant pretty often, but I would see him walking on the streets somewhere close by or on the metro or walking through the park.
I moved apartments into a different neighborhood far away from the sushi restaurant but this japanese guy is still my most regularly 'bumped into' stranger. I know he doesn't recognize me, but it's ridiculous, how many times can you bump into the same individual and not realize that there is some connection that needs to be made, how many times can you just ignore the fact that you are bumping into the same person way too often. I can easily put the number of sightings of aforementioned japanese man at close to 100.
Do you have a similar "Stranger" experience in a city you live? Someone who you've never said hello to, never know where he/she lives, works, moves, walks, but generally keep bumping into this person??
Now this post was completely unedited and a verbal dump. But every single word on the blog is heartfelt and honest and 100% true and happening in my life. Should I buy him a cup of coffee next time I see him?
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Fame - David Bowie
While my guitar gently weeps - Beatles
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Sleeping alone
The other day I woke up on a sat morning at 07:30 because I had let one slip out and reverberate, but my subconscious told me I had guests, so I had to wake up and suss things out...
Such is life...
Friday, September 21, 2007
The Problem...
Today a friend and I discussed this subject with a grossly opposing view. We agreed that when we didn't feel passionate about the people who felt passionately about us, we were terribly annoyed by their presence.
Fact no. 1) We are both hopelessly single, without being able to hold anything like a relationship down for more than 3 months.
Observation 1) The above fact should originate directly from our ridiculously selfish view of our world where we treat people who like us like dirt!!!
Sidejab... I had heard that people who have trouble holding down a relationship are given plants to take care of. I've taken care of 2 plants handed over to me by colleagues who got fired, the plants are doing fine... I am telling you I got problems with those real live things that talk back and move and insist that I should listen to classical piano pieces on a saturday morning.. when all I want is Gorillaz with my coffee!!!!
Bugger that... next blog is gonna talk about my "Condom Genie"
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
I guess that's the cutting edge in security systems. Alert the staff of potential threat of shop lifters entering a shop, rather than make them run behind them after they've left.
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Sunday, July 22, 2007
As much as you wish
But, the words I cringe at the most though are "As much as you wish" - The conversation would go something like this:
Me: How much for this service/product (read: 730 Mts taxi drive, run of the mill tour of a site where all the explanations are in a language that is extinct or will be very soon, thus making it uncomprehensible to all visitors)
Provider: For you sir a special price, normally it would "75" but for you it is only "72.5" and if you like you can tip "As much as you wish"
This is when I stop enjoying the trip immediately, because I am under the spotlight and I also have to start thinking of an appropriate price to pay for being appreciative of a service that I am already paying 800% more for and somehow avoid at being abused at after receiving it.
In such a situation my roots betray me completely too. It is ingrained in us to haggle/bargain/drive down a price/short change people. I am sorry we are born that way!!
So I think and I think and weigh the pros and cons of the service and grade it on a scale of 1-5 where 1 is low and 5 is great and all that jazz. I even try and do a bit of math as my race is supposed to be good in that subject and try and count what a 10-15% tip would be like and finally I fork out enough money that I think would make the receiver feel elated with joy and make him decide to not work for the next 36 weeks and take his wife and kids and 2 little ponies on that promised vacation....(Note this is all happening, while I am supposed to be getting a whirlwind tour of a major historical monument and thus not allowing me to take any note of what is going on)
But alas, it's not to be... All I get is a stern look, the eyes suddenly going from friendly "I am gonna fuck you so royally" look to "You Mo Fo, I think you just tried to have sex with my 2 ponies". Then suddenly the emotion from the eyes pour into his mouth and turn into words and they come spewing out "Cheat!!Cheapskate!! Beggar!! You have wasted my whole life!! (note:I met this person 6.18 Mins a go). Please leave immediately or the anger that is boiling inside me will ask all the gods in the world to make sure that you have anal warts and you need to sit on a pole to earn your living"
I am telling you it's a no-win situation. Try it.
Sometimes those ladies in Amsterdam are sure a welcome change with their "50 Eur for a Suck and a Fuck!!"
Friday, June 22, 2007
Republishing Blog
What if someone thought of a way to harness all the gas that is released through farts? Wouldn't that be a wonderful source of "alternative" energy?I thought of this when 3 engineers were sitting in front of me after a heavy meal and discussing E= mc2 and my lowly accounting degree and the urgent need to pass gas brought forth only this brainwave of creating something that the engineers chew on for some time. Please spend a minute here to bring yourself up to date on some gaseous knowledge
What was that about great minds?? Or what was that about an idle mind ???
Monday, June 18, 2007
I forgot...
BTW. I am thinking of making a list of recording artists/bands which I will never get to see in my life and what a great shame that is!!
1) Nirvana
2) Queen with Freddie Mercury
3) Pink Floyd (And no, I don't want any of you assholes who've seen them at Live Aid to leave me a sorry comment)
If I think of more, I'll post...write now I am going back to banishing thoughts of a full bladder!!!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Saturday, June 09, 2007
I miss....
I wanna say thanks to that 12 yr old girl who played in an all boys team this morning and tore the pages out of a scorebook and bawled her eyes out, I feel more alive today, I feel more me again.
More power to kids with passion for sport, more power to anyone with a passion great enough..for anything....that they could cry for it....
Black is the new WHITE!!
I woke up a bit late last weekend owing to a "cocktail" of cocktails I had had from the previous nights/early morning festivities. I distinctly remember the cab pull over a block before my address and went on to empty out the contents of my stomach including that brilliant Martini with 3 olives which I had quaffed down at 0430.
I was late on a Saturday morning. Brush my teeth, shower, and breakfast; pack my kit bag to head to the important league game in Holland!!! I wasn't a spectator, I was playing. – "Damn where are my cricket whites??? SHIT!! They're still in the washer from the night before. I need to get them dry ASAP… what do I do?"
- A humongous light bulb went on in my head; it even made that "kling" sound! "Just bung it in the Microwave you dimwit!!"
In go the whites, these are the "quick dry" 100% nylon version whites, 2 mins should do the job. There they go. I turn away to go brush my teeth. The strong smell of burnt toast greets me in a bit!! Alarm bells are ringing.. I don't have a toaster!! I don't even have bread!! What the hell is burning? A cursory look in the direction of the kitchen reveals no smoke that could be responsible for the smell, "Must be the neighbour" I say to myself.
Feeling well refreshed after the mint rinse, I return to the kitchen to a debilitating smell of carbon!!! I open the doors and windows to the balcony before I go about looking for the source of the smell. "Oh darn it, just leave everything open and the smell should go away in a bit, lets get that bag packed to head out"
Open the microwave…. Where are my whites?? All I got is a lump of BLACK!! Charcoal BLACK!!! I know that Black is the new white and all that.. but my white cricket pants lay there in one ugly lump of BLACK!!!... I did venture to pick it up and bring it out with very high hopes of being able to salvage a pocket or something out of it. But of course the microwave had had a field day with it. I brought out a really old pair of whites from '98 and decided to look like Michael Jackson in white pants and a HUGE arse and play a game of cricket !!!
I recounted the story to my team mates and one of the lads said, "Were you hungover, 'cause that is exactly the kind of stuff people do, when they wake up hungover!!!" There is no wisdom that can come to you without experience you know!!!
Lesson of the day: Do not believe that you have had a brilliant idea when you're hungover and do not try to dry nylon clothes in a Microwave.
Big city life...
It's time to get lost again!!!! It's time to find the poetry in the soul...
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Monday, April 23, 2007
World's Busiest Person
I recently got to know the world’s busiest person. He is a philosopher!! Ponder over this, the man’s job is to think!! So he is busy right now!!! As I write this down, and I don’t even have to bother to know what he is doing, I can always say, “Ya, that dude, he’s busy right now!!” Science has confirmed that the human brain is active at all times, so if we’re not performing any activity, the brain is still active with thinking, even while we’re asleep
So my philosopher friend, (more power to him) is by far the busiest brain I have ever come across, I used to think my boss was busy, because he always was thinking about his job, but that’s a forced kind of busy, whereas the philosopher dude cannot stop being busy!! What a predicament for the man!! And may I also mention what a diametrically opposite individual than me, I am barely able to think of my work even while I am at work.
He gets a call that he doesn’t want to take all he has to do is say “Hey, I am sorry, but I am busy”. Annoying person at the other end of the line, “Busy? Dude it’s 7.30 pm on a Sunday night, what are you busy doing?”
Philosopher dude, “Thinking!!” End of conversation!!
I wish I had that right too!!! Then I could go all Jack Nicholson on people. I could always be actively working on developing a new theory or a new law or a new index.
As a matter of fact I’ve got one that I am working on already!! And a whole lot of thought has already gone into this. I am open to suggestions to name it, but this law will identify “The amount of water that has to flow through your shower and into the drain before the guilt of wasting water overtakes the guilt of thinking about your French teacher in the shower”
P.s. Note that I have used words like "predicament" and "diametrically opposite" with the hope that they are used correctly and they make me sound cool enough to make theories.Alternate energy source!!
I thought of this when 3 engineers were sitting in front of me after a heavy meal and discussing E= mc2 and my lowly accounting degree and the urgent need to pass gas brought forth only this brainwave of creating something that the engineers chew on for some time.
Please spend a minute here to bring yourself up to date on some gaseous knowledge
helter skelter
Here's something for the fans of them boys... .This picture of Zoo station!!!!
A couple of recommendations. This movie is looking very promising, I hope it lives up to my expectations - Across the Universe
A classic revisited. I danced to this song a lot at a wedding recently, and I think I am hooked!!!! Here comes the rain again
I am tone deaf, I usually can't make out artists as long as they are famous and I like their music. Recently I heard a band called Imogen Heap
and I thought the singer sounded a lot like the lady who sang for Frou Frou
Then I did some research and realized they're actually the same. I am really impressed with my skills to spot the same voice!!!! Oh ya listen to the music!! Frou Frou and Imogen Heap are both good listening.
Comment Poster;-) the hiatus was a bit forced, the work computer I usually travel with does not let me get onto blogger for some god damned reason, and I am too technologically inept to be able to fix it. Here's one track i steer to after reading your blog!!- aptly titled Ruby
And last but not least, anyone who hits up on this blog must must must read the Indian Poopster from BK's Blog
OK enough hyperlinks!!!
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Losing my religion
From Russia with Love
Some notes to myself….
Day 0I am not sure what I need to be more worried about when I get picked up by a designated chauffeur in Russia, the strong smell of vodka on his breath or the unbearable smell of gasoline floating inside the car that makes you think that 30 more seconds of inhaling those fumes you could immolate yourself. Then you are gruffly told that there is no need to wear seat belts, on your non compliance, the chauffeur will proceed to unhinge the seat belt (thinking that I can’t do it myself) and tie it to the back of the seat, from where it’s humanly impossible to reach for it again (unless of course you are an Indian god with 4 sets of arms).
Your spine feels like a wound up spring with all the tension from the 72 minute drive on wet roads with no ABS Brakes in a Volga GAZ 311005, all you want is to check in to the hotel and make it to the bar in 1 piece to get yourself a drink to take the edge off.
You are told your hotel room will cost 200$ for day 1 and the price will increase from Day 2 to 300 $ because of the high occupancy. I am too tired, too scared and too not bothered to question why high occupancy relates to high rates? Imagine the prospect of having to get out of the hotel again, flag down another cab and find another hotel. Quick check in, hand over passport and Credit Card for them to register you with the Local Police and max out your credit card.
Move to the bar -> Young man of 21 working at bar.. looks like his dog died this morning… Ask for beer, no acknowledgement, he has walked away from bar to the kitchen, comes out with new glass, why not stock glasses at the bar? Isn’t that what a bar is supposed to have – Alcohol and those little things to serve the alcohol in?. Barman still looks like he is grieving the death of his dog. His colleague appears a drop dead gorgeous blonde who stands 2 head lengths taller than him and me. She has got that look in her eye that she killed someone’s dog this morning.
Swig the beer down quickly to avoid being assassinated, work my way to restaurant with colleagues. Another hot blonde with assassin looks (no pun intended) offers to serve us. The concept of “service with a smile” has not reached this part of the world as yet. We ask for a table with a view of the city, a short and crisp response “NO”. We wait to be seated, while being seated a colleague mentions, “Before we order, could we get some water and bread?”, another short response, “Wait”!
We order 2 medium and 1 well done steak and plate of fresh Halibut, what we get is 2 burnt steaks which are the size of a medal and ready to crumble at the first prick of our forks, we also get 1 well done steak and fish fingers for the rest of the order. The dinner has cost us 200$. We decide to not order desserts, hop out of the hotel, walk across to the McDonalds and order ourselves a McFlurry.
Long day today, early start at 6 in the a.m. The shower keeps going from hot to cold every 30 seconds, I decide to limit my shower time to 120 seconds, end on a high, when the water is still warm.
Evening falls we settle for some local expertise to find a decent restaurant to have a square meal. This has gone off wonderfully well. Post dinner: The Russians are good at entertaining; they take us to the local hot spots. The women in
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
My latest talent
The latest thing that I am exploiting my talents in, is the art text messaging in my sleep with one eye half shut and the 1/4 of a brain that I was gifted with at birth - completely shut off.
A few of my friends live in the far east which means they are 7-8-9 hours ahead of me, quite a bit of my family is about 4 hours ahead of me, none of these people pay any heed to timezones, they believe it's bright and shining where they are therefore it's the same everywhere
Message from Sister: "What is a good site to post my pics, so that everyone can see"
Snoring me: "Well you could use Picasa, or Flickr, but that requires people to have to sign in, what could be a good idea is that you start your own blog, this would make it a good interface"
Reply from Sister: "How do i do that"
Message back from me: "I'm trying to catch the next flight out to your city, just hang tight"
Message from Friend who lives way too far: "Dude, would you like to get introduced to a 30 year old hot girl in your city?"
My response: "Why not? but are you sure she's 30 and still a girl and hot?"
This one takes the cake though:
Message from Mom: "Which is the 1st team that India will play against in the Cricket World Cup"
Groggy me at 0430 AM after having returned from a party at 0330 AM "I think it's Bangladesh on the 17th, you never liked cricket, watched cricket, why the question?"
Reply from Mom: "Crossword ... Haha"
:-/ I am still in a state of Shock
I am getting there, trust me I am...
Take that quote off
Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
Eddie: They're armed.
Soap: What was that? Armed? What do you mean armed? Armed with what?
Eddie: Err, bad breath, colorful language, feather duster... what do you think they're gonna be armed with? Guns, you tit!
Nick the Greek: Just get me a sample.
Tom: No can do.
Nick the Greek: What's that? Some place near
Winston: Charles,why have we got that cage?
Charles: Uh,security.
Winston: That's right, that's right security. So what's the point in having it if we're not goin' fucking use it?
Charles: Well I would've used it but this is Willie and Willie lives here.
Winston: Yes but you didn't know it was Willie until you opened the door did you?
Willie: Chill Winston, it's me. Charlie knows it's me. What's the problem?
Winston: The problem is Willie is that Charles and yourself are not the quickest of cats at the best of times. So just do as I say and keep *the fucking cage locked!* What is that?
Willie: That's Gloria.
Winston: Yes I know that's Gloria, what's that?
Willie: Fertilizer.
Winston: You went out six hours to buy a money counter and you come back with a semi-conscious Gloria and a back of fertilizer. Alarm bells are ringing Willie.
Willie: We need fertilizer Winston.
Winston: Mmmhmm. We also need a money counter. This money's got to be out by Thursday, I'm buggered if I'm gonna count it. Just make sure if you do need to buy sodding fertilizer could be a bit more subtle.
Willie: What do you mean?
Winston: We grow copious amounts of ganja, yah. And you're carrying a wasted girl and a bag of fertilizer. You don't look like your average horti-fucking- culturalist! That's what I mean Willie.
Eddie: Oh, and if Tom or anyone else for that matter feels like givin' them a bit of a kickin', I'm sure it won't do any harm.
Soap: Yeah, little bit of pain never hurt anybody. If you know what I mean. Also, I think knives are a good idea. Big, fuck-off shiny ones. Ones that look like they could skin a crocodile. Knives are good, because they don't make any noise, and the less noise they make, the more likely we are to use them. Shit 'em right up. Makes it look like we're serious. Guns for show, knives for a pro.
Tom: Soap, is there something we should know about you?
Bacon: I'm not sure what's more worrying. The job or your past.
Bacon: What's that?
Samoan Joe's Barman: It's a cocktail. You asked for a cocktail.
Bacon: No. I asked for a refreshing drink! I didn't expect a fucking rainforest? I could fall in love with an orangutan in that! Bring me a pint.
Samoan Joe's Barman: You want a pint, you go to the pub.
Bacon: This is a pub!
Samoan Joes Barman: It's a Samoan pub.
Vinny: These are your last words, so make them a prayer.
Bullet Tooth Tony: Now, dicks have drive and clarity of vision, but they are not clever. They smell pussy and they want a piece of the action. And you thought you smelled some good old pussy, and have brought your two small mincey faggot balls along for a good old time. But you've got your parties mangled up. There's no pussy here, just a dose that'll make you wish you were born a woman. Like a prick, you are having second thoughts. You are shrinking, and your two little balls are shrinking with you. And the fact that you've got "Replica" written down the side of your gun...
[Zoom in on the side of Sol's gun, which indeed has "REPLICA" etched on the side; zoom out, as they sneak peeks at the sides of their guns]
Bullet Tooth Tony: And the fact that I've got "Desert Eagle point five O"...
[Withdraws his gun and puts it on the table]
Bullet Tooth Tony: Written down the side of mine...
[They look, zoom in on the side of his gun, which indeed has "DESERT EAGLE .50" etched on the side]
Bullet Tooth Tony: Should precipitate your balls into shrinking, along with your presence. Now... Fuck off!
Doug the Head: It's a boxing match, Avi, a boxing match.
Cousin Avi: Did he have a case with him?
Doug the Head: Yes, he had a case.
Cousin Avi: And this schmuck is gambling? You're talking about Franky "I've got a problem with gambling" fucking Four Fingers Doug.
Doug the Head: Avi, I'm not telepathic.
Cousin Avi: Well you're plenty fucking stupid, I'll give you that. Do you know why they call him Franky "Four Fingers" Doug? Because he makes stupid bets with dangerous people, and when he doesn't pay up, they give him te chop, Doug. And I'm not talking about his fucking fore-skin either.
Franky Four Fingers: So the biblical scholars mis-translated the Hebrew word for "young woman" into the Greek word for "virgin," which was a pretty easy mistake to make, since there is only a subtle difference in the spelling. But back then it was the "virgin" that caught people's attention. It's not every day a virgin conceives and bears a son. So you keep that for a couple of hundred years, and the next thing you know, you have the Roman Catholic church.
Cousin Avi: Well you're plenty fucking stupid, I'll give you that. Do you know why they call him Franky "Four Fingers" Doug? Because he makes stupid bets with dangerous people, and when he doesn't pay up, they give him te chop, Doug. And I'm not talking about his fucking fore-skin either.
Scent of a Woman
[inhales deeply through nose]
Lt. Col. Frank Slade: Women! What can you say? Who made 'em? God must have been a fuckin' genius. The hair... They say the hair is everything, you know. Have you ever buried your nose in a mountain of curls... just wanted to go to sleep forever? Or lips... and when they touched, yours were like... that first swallow of wine... after you just crossed the desert. Tits. Hoo-ah! Big ones, little ones, nipples staring right out at ya, like secret searchlights. Mmm. Legs. I don't care if they're Greek columns... or secondhand Steinways. What's between 'em... passport to heaven. I need a drink. Yes, Mr Sims, there's only two syllables in this whole wide world worth hearing: pussy. Hah! Are you listenin' to me, son? I'm givin' ya pearls here.
Lt. Col. Frank Slade: Out of order, I show you out of order. You don't know what out of order is, Mr. Trask. I'd show you, but I'm too old, I'm too tired, I'm too fuckin' blind. If I were the man I was five years ago, I'd take a FLAMETHROWER to this place! Out of order? Who the hell do you think you're talkin' to? I've been around, you know? There was a time I could see. And I have seen. Boys like these, younger than these, their arms torn out, their legs ripped off. But there isn't nothin' like the sight of an amputated spirit. There is no prosthetic for that. You think you're merely sending this splendid foot soldier back home to
Charlie Simms: Don't you mean Jack Daniels?
Lt. Col. Frank Slade: He may be Jack to you son, but when you've known him as long as I have... that's a joke.
Confessions of a Dangerous Mind
Jim Byrd: You're 32 years old, and you've achieved nothing. Jesus Christ was dead and alive again by 33. You better get crackin'.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Come and see...
If you get a chance to see them, do so... this was a small hall for about 1500 people, it was a really intimate environment, sound quality was brilliant and the show was mind blowing.
DM has a lot more variations and modulations to his voice than I could imagine and the whole idea of seeing, listening, experiencing something so stripped down was a brilliant experience.
It hardly ever happens that an artist I see in concert will play the songs I want to listen to, but this was 1 freak incident when he did and I was giddy with delight.
Enough said... I am still on a high... and ya it was a "Brilliant Night"
Friday Mar 9 2007
Ancienne Belgique
Crash Into Me
Save Me
Grace Is Gone
So Damn Lucky
Old Dirt Hill
Smooth Rider
Stay Or Leave
(Still Water)
Don’t Drink the Water
Tim Solo
Little Thing
When The World Ends
Lie In Our Graves
Dancing Nancies
Some Devil *
The Maker
Two Step
Show Notes:
Dave And Tim appear on all songs except where noted
* Dave Solo
(song name) indicates a partial song
indicates a segue into next song

Sunday, February 25, 2007
What does a scanner see..??
"What does a scanner see? Into the head? Down into the heart? Does it see into me, into us? Clearly or darkly? I hope it sees clearly, because I can't any longer see into myself. I see only murk. I hope for everyone's sake the scanners do better. Because if the scanner sees only darkly, the way I do, then I'm cursed and cursed again. I'll only wind up dead this way, knowing very little, and getting that little fragment wrong too."
I am actually going to make a list of my favorite movie and book quotes and put the most unoriginal, 100% plagiarized blog entry ever ... soon.. Atleast it will be good reading.
Going straight to hell
It was crazy, I had all this water which was just pouring over my back and into the drain. There are people in the world who have to walk miles to get a bucket of water to share with a family of 23. I don't know if it's my fault that they have to walk that far or that they have massively unmanageable families and I am not sure if I stayed dirty and didn't shower for a week, would they actually get water on a tap in their shanty hut? But anyway it made me feel guilty and I thought that's a sin which I will go straight to hell for.
But hang on a second, what about the half eaten pizza that I threw away, I know people in my country are dying of hunger, damn, so could I have/should I have shipped my half eaten pizza to Bhikhu...somewhere..but he doesn't have food to eat, which would mean no house to live in.. where the hell do I ship the pizza to? I think I am going to hell for that too.
It would be good to do an inventory of all the things that potentially fall into a list of sins, list of things that are not approved by a holier being, list of things that people around you think are not right (those holier than thou a**holes we tend to know and laugh about) <- oops that's unacceptable behaviour too... Damn, I am going to hell...
And I need to stop thinking about my French teacher in the shower....
My Professional Career
I believe if I took all of it.. just professional stuff that I have done at my various jobs. I could fit it into a 60 GB hard drive.
Think about it, 6 yrs of work... it all fits into a 60 GB drive.
I think I need to start a restaurant...I am sure I'll need some massive storage space and deep freezers... at least my work will occupy more space...
Friday, February 23, 2007
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Do nothing now. Leave them there for a month.
At the end of a month they should have worked themselves into a nice bunch of intertwined wires which should take you about 30 minutes to get apart and also may make you want to bang your head against a wall repeatedly.
Listen to a good song here, appropriately titled "Wires"
Friday, February 16, 2007
Last Song...
At that instant my iPod played "Subterranean Homesick Alien" and I've never turned the volume up as high as I did today... and I let it play LOUD.. and I could feel everything around me disappear... I had a feeling that I was soaring... looking down at things and being able to smirk at it... it has probably been the most uplifting moment of my day.. maybe the week as well.
So taking of on my series of, "Last...".... what would be the last song that you would want to listen to before you move onto another world.... or let's not get that morose, let's make it more bearable.. the last song before you go deaf... OK.. It's your choice if you want to die or live as a deaf person..
While you're mulling over the songs... I'm listing a few of my "Last Songs"
Nice Dream
Cry Freedom
and of course i'd re recommend "Subterranean Homesick Alien"
Oh and if you had to choose between living deaf or dying, what would you pick?
As you can see, I am quite pissed off about losing that ticker on my blog.
How technology fucked me over....
Last night, I was fooling around on blogger and it asked me if I wanted to pick a template for my blog and I repicked the same template that I have always had... et voila.. my ticker has disappeared!!!
So that's how technology fucked me.... and oh ya... it also gave me free porn!!!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Man's Man...
and more...
I could've taken better pics, but my camera is a bit prehistoric and you already seen my savings account!!!
I realized, the only reason I wake up each morning and go to work is because I like to dress up, but I hate ironing my shirts...
I felt the fear of turning 30 recently...
Another movie for the 20 somethings grappling with growing up....The Last Kiss or L'Ultimo Bacio
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Last night on earth
If you are a man, who likes women, put in the name of a woman, if you are a man who likes men, put in the name of a man. If you are a woman with a liking for men, put in the name of a man and if you're a woman who likes women, put in the name of the woman (and the name of the man who can watch the two of you).
And ya, if you've made the effort and visited the blog, don't be lazy, leave a response. It's only the people who make themselves heard, who get what they ask for.
Friday, January 26, 2007
But that brings me to a conversation I had with a lady friend last weekend after a few drinks, I said, "So what do you think, that girl out there, should I get her a drink?", she replied, "I would never agree to let a guy buy me a drink". I told her,"That's wrong, because what you are doing is killing the guy's hopes, and us men live on hope"
Ok maybe I went too far with that generalization....
Anyway, end game, the girl I wanted to buy the drink for, rejected my offer, while my lady friend got 4 drinks from men that night and she gave her phone no. to one of them!!!