Saturday, February 16, 2008

Men and women (again) in the future

I thought of a scenario in the not so distant future, maybe 50-70 years ahead? It doesn't have too many gadgets or robots and flying cars. But what I see is that fewer people will need to submit themselves to societal institutions like marriages and families may look different. (Quick disclaimer: I am sure this has been written documented by someone, someplace else)

I see a state where men and women will choose to have their offspring outsourced - artificial insemination and surrogate mothering will become the norm. It will lead to commercialization of gene pools and probably lead to a more evolved human race.

I discussed this with some people and they are of the opinion that it would lead to more "disturbed" kids who do not know their parents - do not have good parenting, potential to lose the sole parent that they may have. But again these are things looked at in the current set up of our society. In the current set up, don't kids become orphans? Don't kids suffer from disturbances of parents separating?

I think the gradual change could lead to children being more independent sooner, under eager parenting of 1 dedicated parent who is keen to have the child. Society could have a better focus on coaches and teachers who will have a larger part in the upbringing of the new generation of outsourced children.

If the laws are created, a supplier parent could be known to the child and there could be an available set of siblings for the child from the supplier parent's other progeny.

I personally can't see too many problems with this sort of future state of affairs...

Just thinking out aloud... and I think this blog would rate as being too serious


illusory motion said...

Nothing is a problem if it is the norm. Society evolves to cater to the majority. Dysfunctionality and chaos will always rule whether we have two parents or one or none; whether we gestate in a womb or a lab. We are just generally fucked up.

Anonymous said...

Is this how you plan to save your own genes?

comfortablynumb said...

Save my genes? Rather stop myself from infecting a new born with them...

!Teq-uila Del Zapata said...

sounds quite innovative.
there will be contests on "the best donors" and "most fucked up" donors.
but this will effect rate of intercourse, but who cares, i wont be alive for that long and i would hardly care about my progeny.

Vishal said...

dude maybe 4-5% of kids are orphans right now, and maybe 10-15% have parents who are separated. If what you're saying does happen, those numbers will jump to 50%+ That's truly gonna turn out some fucked up offspring. If we turned out the way we did after all the whacks we got from our folks, imagine what it'd be like without any discipline. A world full of marilyn mansons being stalked by ppl like that Bjork stalker who put a gun in his mouth and pulled a trigger.....and videotaped it all. Crazy shit dude.
Oh, and I'm thinking commercialized gene pools will fuck up the human race more than anything else.

I'm glad I won't be around if/when your scenarion does become reality.

Fuckin hell...I don't think I've EVER discussed anything this serious with you! I need some "Jai chacha"....